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The Active Shooter: Are You Prepared to Respond? Webinar


Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. All employees have a role in preventing and preparing for potential active shooter situations. This session covers steps to prepare employees and managers to respond appropriately should an active shooter incident occur. It covers lessons learned from past incidents and concepts endorsed by the US Department of Homeland Security and what to expect when law enforcement and medical personnel respond.

Describe actions to take when confronted with an active shooter and responding law enforcement officials.
Recognize potential workplace violence indicators.
Describe actions to take to prevent and prepare for potential active shooter incidents.
Describe how to manage the consequences of an active shooter incident.

Who Should Attend?
All financial institution employees.


Live Plus Five – $265

Register for the live event and get five days access to the OnDemand Playback. You’ll have opportunity to ask questions during the presentation and be free to review the content for the next five business days. Registration also includes links to presenter materials, handouts, and pdfs.

OnDemand Recording Only – $295
Includes a weblink for unlimited viewing for 6-months after the date of the webinar as well as a link to handouts. Does not include live session.

CD-ROM and Hardcopy Handouts – $345

CD-ROM plus Hardcopy Handouts. Does not include live session.

Live Plus Six – $365
Attend live; includes six months access to OnDemand playback. Combine the advantages of live attendance with an unlimited number of replays for the next six months.

Premier Package – $395
Includes all three options above. Live session, OnDemand Weblink, and CD-ROM plus Hardcopy Handouts.

Additional Locations
Want your branches to participate? Facilities within your organization will be able to participate without the travel costs of coming to one location.