The FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment process is here to stay. At a minimum, most regulators are requiring financial institutions to complete an assessment on an annual basis. This process includes a review of an institution’s Inherent Risk Level, identification of currently implemented controls to reduce risk, and a gap analysis to identify additional controls needed to reach the institutions desired risk appetite.
Over 1200 financial institutions have completed their Cybersecurity Assessment using our complementary assessment solution. SBS has analyzed the results and identified the top 25 most common baseline controls not implemented by financial institutions. These are controls that financial institutions MUST complete regardless of their inherent risk score. This session reviews these 25 controls, as well as practical solutions your institution can use to implement these controls. We will also discuss the next steps beyond the assessment to provide a comprehensive cybersecurity framework which institutions can repeatedly follow.
- FFIEC Guidance
- Inherent Risk Assessment Process
- Cyber Maturity Process
- Top 25 Controls
- Remediation Ideas
- Tracking Progress on Controls