“You bet, of course I am!” You must agree that would be every branch manager’s battle cry. Unless the branch manager is burned out, burned up, or not well prepared.
Maybe you have some team members that need to be coached up, perhaps even coached out. Today’s bank customers have more choices than ever before and it’s no longer enough to offer high-quality products or competitive prices. Your brand is built on –or broken by– customer experience. Are you building or breaking the brand at your branch?
What about the employee experience? What three words would you use to describe the work culture at your branch? Does your staff feel included? Do they have clear expectations and the training, the tools, and the coaching to deliver the goods as expected?
This real-world webinar looks at what an exceptional branch looks like and how to obtain that coveted status. The agenda includes what gets in the way of realizing your goals and ideas on what you can do about it.
Covered Topics
- What does it mean to be exceptional?
- Building expertise in change management
- Identify and resolve branch pain points
- How do you build an enviable reputation?
- Different perspectives of exceptional: quality work, account-acquisition, profitability.
Who Should Attend?
Branch leaders, Head tellers, and anyone working in today’s competitive branch environment.