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Consumer Lending Underwriting 101: From Application to Approval Webinar


To grow the consumer loan portfolio safely, bankers need to adjust their lending practices to ensure the next consumer applicant is not becoming overextended and unable to meet their obligations.

There are several steps in the consumer lending process needed to build a good consumer loan portfolio. The “tion” method in the consumer lending process is: Regulation, Initiation (Business Development), Application, Investigation, Evaluation, Decision, Documentation, Administration, and Collection. Participants will gain a better understanding of underwriting consumer loans from the application, investigation, evaluation, and decision stages.

What You’ll Learn

  • Purpose and objectives of the application
  • Relevant and legal questions to ask under Regulation B
  • Investigating information submitted on an application
  • Incorporating the applicant’s credit report into the investigation process
  • Evaluating the applicant’s capacity to pay

Who Should Attend
Senior Credit Officers, Senior Loan Officers, Commercial Lenders, Consumer Lenders, Branch Managers Assistant Branch Managers, Personal Bankers, Loan Review Personnel, Documentation Specialists, and those interested in learning more about the consumer lending process.