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CRA Essentials Webinar


Achieving an Outstanding CRA involves a lot of work for very little payoff. We suggest banks do the work needed for an Outstanding rating but if the effort comes up a little short then settle for a solid Satisfactory rating.

The failure to achieve a Satisfactory or Outstanding CRA rating can increase the difficulty in getting various applications approved by your federal regulator. Lower rating results in additional work to restore the rating. This program provides the information needed to achieve the top CRA rating.

What You’ll Learn

  • Performance tests, standards, and ratings
  • Assigned ratings
  • Assessment area delineation
  • Public file requirements
  • CRA notices
  • Community Development activities
  • An explanation of the adjustment to the asset-size thresholds used to define “small bank” and “intermediate small bank”
  • A review of recent redlining cases
  • A review of the recently published Questions and Answers, exam results, and CRA agreements
  • An explanation of how to obtain community development credit for COVID-19-related activities
  • A review of the interagency proposed rule.

Who Should Attend
The program is designed for loan officers, compliance officers, CRA officers, loan department staff, bank counsel, and auditors.