The webinar will go line by line through the CTR. You will learn how to avoid pitfalls and common errors. These errors can cost you time and penalties in corrections. You will receive a large handbook of common scenarios at your financial institution plus you will be trained on the latest instructions and interpretations.
Covered Topics
- The four key sections of the CTR
- Review which data fields are required and which are not required
- Learn about NAICs codes and their use in the new CTR
- Understanding and using the FinCEN directed back filing box
- How to fill out the new CTR on Sole Proprietors, LLCs and Joint Accounts
- How to fill out the CTR on IOLTAs, POAs, and all the hard fiduciary accounts
- Examples of the new CTR—Over 20 examples of the CTR
- Changes to Part I
- Business Account Changes Pending
Who Should Attend?
This webinar will benefit tellers, teller managers, branch operations, deposit services, training, new accounts and BSA personnel.