We are all keenly aware of the conflict that’s occurring between Ukraine and Russia, and we’ve all read the reports of the cyber warfare side of these attacks. We’ve known for years that cyber warfare is the next evolution of international conflict, and we’ve seen it before. In fact, these types of cyber attacks occur every day between nations, but they have been pushed to the forefront as an invading force is leveraging cyber warfare to create significant harm and confusion amongst the opposition. While today’s targets are not specifically US financial institutions, we need to heighten our awareness of these tactics and prepare accordingly.
Covered Topics
- Current Cyberwarfare Tactics
- Understanding Specific and Current Cyber Attacks
- Why We Need Heightened Awareness
- Top Controls to Mitigate Cyber Attack Risk
Who Should Attend?
Information Security Officer, IT Manager, Risk Officer, Internal Auditor, Board members, or other management team members.