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High Risk Customers–Cannabis, Virtual Currency, Charities and Private ATMs Webinar


We will cover the high risk customers and services listed in the BSA exam manual and begin to see their impact in our AML program. What extra due diligence is required when the customer is high risk? And can the high risk customers and services impact your bank’s BSA risk rating? We will look at what makes a customer or service high risk.

What You’ll Learn

  • Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Individuals (NRA)
  • Politically Exposed Persons (PEP)
  • Embassy and Foreign Consulate Accounts
  • Nonbank Financial Institutions and MSBs
  • Professional Service Providers
  • Nongovernmental Organizations and Charities
  • Cash Intensive Business
  • Cannabis
  • Charities
  • Private ATMs
  • Virtual Asset Service Providers
  • Third-Party Payment Processors (TPPPs)

Who Should Attend
This webinar is designed for BSA Officers, BSA Coordinators, Compliance Officers and Security Officers.