Every enforcement action tells a story of a failure to comply and the actions required to remedy the situation. This action is a lesson to be learned by other financial institutions. The actions required to cure the problems in one institution are the actions required in another institution to avoid the same problem. Rarely are the identified problems unique. The stories are repeated month in and month out. Don’t be the next institution to fall into the same trap. Become aware of the problem and determine if the same problem exists in your institution. If the problem is present, self-detection and prompt corrective action generally result in less severe penalties. If the problem does not exist, take a few simple steps (policies, procedures, and training) to ensure the problem doesn’t occur in your institution.
This webinar is designed to make attendees aware of recent enforcement actions, the actions required in response to the action, and the penalties or costs imposed. It is the hope and intent that armed with this knowledge, attendees can avoid similar problems.
What You’ll Learn
- Flood penalties
- Truth in Lending reimbursement
- RESPA Section 8
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act
- Fair Housing Act
- Redlining cases
- UDDAP/UDAP issues related to interest-rate-lock process, forced-placed insurance, deceptive advertising, and more
- The list will continue to grow between now and the program date.
Who Should Attend
The program is designed for Loan Department management, Compliance Officers, Loan Officers, Loan Processors, Auditors, and others with responsibilities related to the origination and servicing of loans.