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Motivate Your Bank Team from Good to Great Webinar


Imagine the impact if you could improve the performance of your middle producers by just 5-10%. This webinar will help bank leaders and managers with the motivational mindset with a 3-step approach to help your producers focus their efforts and develop their expertise for their targeted markets. Using huddles and a coaching approach called “Where’s Walter”, bank managers will learn how to help your middle producers’ sales activities improve. This focus on improving the middle majority can make a huge impact on your group’s bottom line.

What You’ll Learn

  • The specific skills of the motivator
  • The role of goal setting in the motivation process
  • A 3-step process to help their bankers segment, focus and dominate their markets
  • How to coach using the huddle data
  • A coaching approach for effort and execution

Who Should Attend
Line of business leaders, managers, area leaders, trainers, and sales execs will benefit from this training.