These procedures could save your financial institution from expensive fraud and money laundering, or if improper, they could result in lack of a systematic approach to the AML program. This program includes a review of the new SAR and its new data fields.
What You’ll Learn
- What is a red flag?
- What should your response be?
- What does it mean to conduct an investigation?
- When do you file a SAR? What are the time constraints?
- How often do you have to file SARs?
- When do you close an account?
- When do you validate your AML software model?
- What should be in your supporting documentation?
- What documentation do you need when you decide not to file a SAR?
- How do you give supporting documentation to law enforcement?
- How to handle NSL, subpoenas, and 314a matches
- The integration of the system, the frontline, and the investigation all become your financial institution’s AML program
- Putting together the pieces of an AML program
- All of this and more go into your SAR program!
Who Should Attend
This webinar is ideal for BSA officers, BSA coordinators, compliance officers, and security officers.