Loan information on the Call Report provides critical information for bank management and regulators. The rules for coding loans reported on Schedule RC-C dictate how loans are to be reported on all loan schedules in the Call Report, including the income statement, charge-offs and recoveries, averages, past due loans and non-accrual loans.
This webinar will walk through the classification priority for reporting loan information correctly. Learn when to code the loan based on borrower, when to code based on collateral, and when to code based on purpose.
Examples on the rules for coding loans as secured by real estate will be provided as well as other loan coding exercises that will test what you have learned.
What You’ll Learn
- Reporting restructured troubled debt,
- Reporting maturity and repricing data for loans,
- HELOCs to be reported in Memo item 16, and
- Miscellaneous loan reporting items.
Who Should Attend
Anyone responsible for assigning or reviewing the regulatory codes on loans, including loan officers, loan assistants, loan operations personnel, and Call Report preparers. This two-hour update will benefit even experienced Call Report preparers, reviewers, and auditors. This training can be used to supplement annual comprehensive Call Report training as recommended by the regulators.