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Stakeholder Capitalism: Implications for Bankers Webinar


Consumers and society at large are expecting more from their banks. Embracing these responsibilities can help shareholders, too. Stakeholder capitalism describes the emerging paradigm that businesses should operate not only for profit, but also in consideration of how their operations benefit or harm society. Acknowledging stakeholders, banks should take into account how their actions affect the environment, their employees, and the consumers who use their products. As a result, governance models must adapt to ensure that the business enterprise operates more ethically and transparently. This re-imagination of the purpose of a business has been embraced by powerful organizations such as the Business Roundtable and the International Business Council. During this webinar, participants will gain insights into corporate social responsibility best practices. In addition, bankers will be introduced to impact reporting standards, certifications, and frameworks that help build credibility and trust with stakeholders.

What You’ll Learn

  • How stakeholder capitalism is transforming business and banking
  • Consumer attitudes toward Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Social Responsibilities best practices
  • stakeholder capitalism and long term value creation
  • Corporate reporting frameworks and standards (GRI, SASB, TCFD, B Corp, UNPRB)
  • Case studies of stakeholder driven banks

Who Should Attend
Executive leadership, management, marketing, compliance, business development, community development, risk management and anyone responsible for strategic planning and business transformation/innovation will benefit from this course.