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State of HMDA in 2024 Webinar


The HMDA rules regarding reporting thresholds are in flux for small banks as a result of a recent federal court decision, so we’ll have to wait for the outcome there. But for 2024’s submission season, it’s the same as in years past. We’ll address a number of questions: What will examiners be looking at? What are the fair lending issues and risks you need to be aware of after submission? We’ll discuss the current state of HMDA so close to submission in this session, and get your questions answered.

What You’ll Learn

  • Rules around thresholds and data elements, including legal challenges and what to do if you’re caught in the middle
  • Private vs. public data
  • Details of the coverage rules – who collects and submits information, and when
  • Types of applications that are reportable
  • The dwelling-secured loan standard
  • Effects in the commercial loan area
  • How to handle HELOCs
  • LAR fields, including common errors and pain points
  • Categories of reporting, including information on the property, loan type, and loan features; plus identification information
  • Reporting GMI
  • Changes to the submission process
  • Quarterly reporting for some institutions
  • How the public obtains HMDA information changes
  • Practical and compliance implications

Who Should Attend
Loan officers, managers, processors, compliance and fair lending officers, auditors, counsel, and anyone else with HMDA-related responsibilities, including data collection, reporting, analysis, and disclosure will benefit from this webinar.