With higher deposit rates and the flurry of deposit choices in the market, many bank clients are shopping and moving around, splitting their deposits among banks, direct banks, and non-traditional options.
How does your bank compete and differentiate itself? It is not too late to consider the impact your branch people can have. Top performing banks are arming their people with a transformative approach to initiate distinctive relationships with their clients and prospects, building trust through meaningful conversations. This workshop will provide an approach to developing your people, who are the essential differentiators for your bank from the many impersonal digital options.
At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:
• Understand what is currently stopping your frontline from having these robust conversations
• Learn and utilize a break-through approach to gain the engagement of branch personnel for deepening relationships of clients and prospects
• Implement a 4-step relationship building process to follow across your branch network
Target Audience:
frontline bankers and training personnel, Ideal audience includes Retail and branch management