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IBA Member Spotlight: Andrew Roach

Roach Strives to ‘Set Others Up for Success’

Andrew RoachAndrew Roach went to the University of Northern Iowa as a math major. He soon changed his focus to finance after he realized he “wouldn’t make the best math teacher in the world.” Roach began his banking career as a credit analyst. He transitioned through several roles and is now market president for Kerndt Brothers Bank’s Cedar Rapids location.

Throughout his career, Roach has worked toward helping others achieve their goals. “Whether you are helping someone purchase their first house or start a business, save for retirement, or save for the next generation, there are a lot of opportunities to set others up for success,” he said.

Where did you attend college/what degree(s) have you obtained?

I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Northern Iowa. I began as a math major, and after realizing I likely wouldn’t make the best math teacher in the world, pivoted to finance and real estate. And I’m in the process of finalizing my MBA from the University of Iowa, with a target to finish in Spring 2024. I’ve always been a fan of continuing education, and the resources available from both college and the IBA have had a major impact on my career.

What is your favorite thing about working in the banking industry and why?

When working at a bank, regardless of the size of town you’re in, you get the opportunity to interact with and build relationships with many of the leaders within your community. Whether you are helping someone purchase their first house or start a business, save for retirement, or save for the next generation, there are a lot of opportunities to set others up for success.

Describe one life experience that taught you a lesson that you apply to your banking career.

A job I had in college was working at a group home and assisting the residents there. You should always help those in need when you can. And if you treat others with respect, they tend to give that respect right back.

What is your best elevator pitch for why banking is a great career?

There are a wide range of career opportunities within a bank, many of which have potential for advancement. And community banks tend to recognize and reward talent quicker than larger organizations. If you put forth the effort, people tend to notice.

How does getting involved with the Iowa Bankers Association help you and your bank?

I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to attend both the IBA’s Commercial Lending School and Iowa School of Banking, as well as serve on their respective advisory boards. Many of the core fundamentals of successful bankers are taught at IBA schools. And they are also a fantastic resource to meet many of your peers within the banking industry that you might not have otherwise had the opportunity to interact with.

When you’re not at work, what do you like to do most?

Most of my time outside of work is spent with my young family. When time allows, I enjoy woodworking. But that free time is becoming more and more difficult to find.

What is a quote or guiding principle you live by?

If a project is worth starting, it’s worth finishing. As Master Yoda once said, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”