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IBA Member Spotlight: Ashley Upmeyer

Upmeyer: In Banking, Hard Work Pays Off

Upmeyer Ashley jpg (002)Ashley Upmeyer enjoys learning and working hard in her banking career. “I thrive to learn new concepts and apply them to my role,” she said. “There is always room for improvement, and hard work will pay off.”

Upmeyer, a graduate of the University of Minnesota, has been in the banking industry since 2011 and is currently a business banking officer and credit analyst for Clear Lake Bank & Trust. She helps business owners, individuals, farmers, and families reach their financial goals.

What drove you to choose a career in banking?

I wanted a career where I could live and work anywhere, whether that be in the metro or a rural town. This was a pre-pandemic and pre-remote work environment back in 2011. I have worked in the following banking positions: personal banker, commercial and agriculture administration, credit analyst and business banking officer.

What is one lesson working in the banking industry has taught you, and how do you apply it to your everyday life?

There is always room for improvement, and hard work will pay off. I strive to learn new concepts and apply them to my role at Clear Lake Bank & Trust.

What is your best elevator pitch for why banking is a great career?

Banking is so much more than handling the product of money. Banking is assisting business owners, individuals, farmers, and families to find opportunities that support them in reaching their financial goals and dreams. It takes a wide variety of talents to make a bank successful.

How does getting involved with the Iowa Bankers Association help you and your bank?

Networking to develop ideas and accomplish goals, learning from others’ experiences, and working together to help our customers and communities.

When you’re not at work, what do you like to do most?

When I am not at Clear Lake Bank & Trust, I enjoy spending time with my husband and three children, and attending events in the Clear Lake area.

What is a quote or guiding principle you live by?

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive, but those who can best manage change.”

— Charles Darwin