March 18-19, 2024 • Gateway Hotel, Ames
The Iowa Bankers Association presents the annual Ag Bankers Conference including two days of educational sessions led by experts in the business of banking and farming. The conference includes sessions on the ag economy, managing crop risks, weather trends, and more! Prepare yourself for the future with the best advice and most up-to-date knowledge available. This year’s conference includes session on profitable ag lending, weather trends, crop marketing outlook, generational continuity, farmland values, banking updates and more.
Detailed Agenda
Monday, march 18
8:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast
Sponsored by Dickinson Law
8:30 am Welcome
8:40 am Managing the Positives and Realities of Economic Trends
Dr. David Kohl
The economic shockwaves are coming fast and furious, which feels like a decade of change in a few short weeks. Whether it is the weather, geopolitical events, military action, consumer trends, trade, or interest rates, one needs to think globally but also consider how these economic factors could impact your own business decision-making. Join us for a journey through the latest trends and changes that will impact the odds of business success. The discussion will focus on the tools and principles of business and finance that stand the test of time. Dr. Kohl comes to the event with decades of academic and business experience as well as insight from his interaction with thought leaders in the agricultural industry.
Session Handout
10:00 am Break with Exhibitors
Sponsored by Bell Bank, Farmer Mac, and Hurley & Associates
10:30 am Current Ag & Ag Lending Issues Panel
Dr. David Kohl; Ed Elfmann, American Bankers Association; Dave Muth, PhD, Peoples Company
12:00 pm Lunch
1:15 pm Ag Policy Update
Ed Elfman, American Bankers Association, Washington, D.C.
Learn how the current agricultural economy and political leadership is shaping agricultural policy and the upcoming farm bill including an overview of USDA, Congressional leadership, and other important players in agricultural policy. Also, find valuable resources in the agricultural finance space that can help you and your customers. This is a can’t miss for all ag lenders!
Session Handout
2:15 pm Break with Exhibitors
Sponsored by Bell Bank, Farmer Mac, and Hurley & Associates
2:45 p.m. Crop Marketing Outlook
Dr. Steve Johnson, ISU Extension Outreach (retired)
Steve Johnson will discuss 2024 crop cost estimates, including corn prices and soybeans. He will also discuss crop margins.
Session Handout
4:00 p.m. Reception
Sponsored by MIB
Enjoy this casual reception with your peers and exhibitors.
Tuesday, march 19
7:30 a.m. Networking Breakfast
8:15 am Look at Today’s Markets
Delaney Howell, Trader PhD
Travelling to 23 countries and over 30 states, Delaney studies agricultural systems on a large scale. U.S. agriculture plays such a vital role in so many countries that the importance sometimes gets lost to producers who are concerned about production on a smaller scale or local level. The purpose of this speech is to discuss several factors revolving around international agriculture such as: trade (TPP, TTIP, etc.), food accessibility, cultural differences, technology, and responses to the Coronavirus pandemic – and to highlight the connection between producers and the global world.
Session Handout
9:15 am Break
Sponsored by Bell Bank, Farmer Mac, and Hurley & Associates
9:30 am The Perfect Storm Farm Transition
Steve Bohr, Farm Financial Strategies, Lisbon
There is an ongoing storm with farm transition. With so much Iowa farmland owned by people 65 and older, there will be an unprecedented transfer in the next ten years. The future of production agriculture will favor producers who have a plan the ability to communicate that plan to the next generation of landowners. This session will discuss the major factors involved with land transition and how you can help your current and future ag customers.
Session Handout and Transition Worksheet
10:30 am Break
Sponsored by Bell Bank, Farmer Mac, and Hurley & Associates
10:45 am A Cynic’s Guide to Motivation Success and Happiness
Steve Richman
This serious, but light-hearted message will help you find success and happiness in the current market, while also helping team members bond to accomplish specific goals. Leave the conference with ideas on finding your own motivators, a personal definition of success, and tools to avoid negativity.
Information & Registration
Hotel Information
Gateway Hotel & Conference Center
2100 Green Hills Drive, Ames, IA 50014
Ph. (515) 292-8600
Book hotel online
Hotel rate is $139 per night. Call the hotel by Sunday, Feb. 25 for the conference rate.
Registration Information
Fee includes continental breakfast, breaks, lunch, and program materials.
Member Price $325
Nonmembers $650
Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors
Bell Bank
Dickinson Law
Farmer Mac
Hurley & Associates
Country Banker
Growers Edge
Farmer Mac
Farmers National Company
Hurley & Associates
Iowa Finance Authority
Peoples Company
ProAg Bank
Purple Wave
Steffes Group
For information about exhibiting and sponsoring contact IBA’s Susan Richards.
Questions – Contact IBA’s Darcy Burnett